Christmas Ski Waxing Fundraiser

xmas wax fundraiser

On December 27-28, the Race Team has another ski waxing fundraiser.
If you missed the earlier one, it is not too late to get your skis in shape. Getting your skis ready helps our athletes going to the Ski Nationals in Canmore in March.

Cost:  $30 per pair

xmas wax fundraiser
click to enlarge

Pay at the time of pickup. Or pre-pay at Polar Peek Books, or as a Christmas gift ! Small race team branded cowbells are also available.

‡ ‡ ‡   If your child is in the SDP program and has a set of the club rental skis, bring the skis for a FREE waxing.

Coaches Corner

sdp volunteers

Meet our dedicated coaches for the 2025 season of our Skill Development Program. All lessons are happening at the Elk Valley Nordic Centre on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Skill Development Program

sdp session

The ski lessons of the SDP program are going ahead for the 2024 – 2025 season. Lessons are expected to start in early January.

Ccc logo

The Skill Development Program offered to our young skiers by the Fernie Nordic Society was actually developed by the nation-wide organization Nordiq Canada. The program is standardized across the country. All our volunteer coaches are trained according to the established structure to provide a consistent level of training to our skiers.

The levels in the program are aimed at the various age groups:

  • Bunnyrabbit Program for children 5 years and younger
  • Jackrabbit Program for children from 6 to 9 years old
  • Track Attack Program for children 10 years and older

The Fernie Nordic Society provides training at these levels at our weekly Saturday morning and Tuesday or Thrursday after school sessions. Lessons run from January to March all at the Elk Valley Nordic Centre. Events may combine the efforts of other clubs nearby. This is a great opportunity for young skiers to improve their skills in a fun atmosphere and to challenge themselves.

Saturday Lessons

10:30 – 11:30 am

Tuesday After School
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Thursday After School
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Cost of lessons

Bunnyrabbit     $60 for either the Saturday, Tuesday or Thursday sessions
Jackrabbit         $70 for either the Saturday, Tuesday or Thursday sessions
TrackAttack      $80 for either the Saturday or Tuesday sessions

Please note that enrollment into the program is done ONLINE for the 2024-2025 season. Please visit the online page to register your child. Classic ski rentals for the season are available for youngsters enrolled in our program at a very low cost. Be sure to select this option during the online registration.

For more information about our program, or to register your child, you may also use our Contact Us page.

Any questions? Get in touch with a volunteer.
cold weather
click for more info

Important Documents

The documents attached below are our basic guidelines for running a fair training program for our young skiers. They are aimed at our parents and our volunteer coaches. We ask all parents and coaches of the 2024-2025 season to read them, to sign the relevant release forms and return to the coaches at the first ski lesson.
Documents  (click to open and/or save):
Coaching Code of Conduct
Parents Responsibilities
Parents Fair Play & Photo Release

KAL TIRE is sponsoring the province-wide
SDP program again this year

Proposed Adaptive Nordic Skiing program


The Fernie Nordic Society is exploring the possibility of kicking off an Adaptive Nordic Skiing Program this winter for individuals with disabilities! 
This program would aim to provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to learn and engage in cross-country skiing in a supportive and fun environment! We believe that individuals of every ability should have the opportunity to experience Fernie’s winter through this wonderful sport. 

We want to hear from you!  Are you interested in participating, volunteering or supporting this initiative? We have a short survey for you. Any and all feedback is welcome, your input is essential in helping us shape a program that fits the needs of our community.

Click the image to take the survey

If you or someone you know might be interested in this initiative, please send us a message.