The sixth edition of the Fernie Flying Viking Challenge event took place on Sunday March 9 at the Nordic Centre. Many of the participants set out on the trails on costumes. Thirteen Mini-Vikings completed one of the 1.3, 3.4 or 7.5 km courses. A total of 51 Flying Vikings rushed out in a noisy mass start just before 11 am. Several of them did two loops of 25 km starting from the warming hut to the trails and a chair lift ride at the Fernie Alpine Resort, and back again.
Skiing on the soft and mushy snow required more effort than usual. Volunteers were on hand at two refuelling stations and two ski patrollers were monitoring the progress of the participants. Each Mini-Viking was rewarded with a cookie medal. Each Flying Viking received a custom wooden medal and a delicious crepe at the finish line.
Here are a few photos taken during the event. More photos on our photo album page.